Mint Chocolate Andes Cookies
8:47 PM
Mint Chocolate Andes Cookies

Mínt chocolate has always been my favoríte and these awesome Mínt Chocolate Andes Cookíes don’t dísappoínt. They are some of my favoríte cookíes and a recípe you have to try soon.
Mínt chocolate ís a favoríte of míne. Favoríte cookíe, íce cream, candy, you name ít! My husband ísn’t as bíg of a fan as í am but í thínk í won hís over wíth these cookíes. They are símple to make and taste so yummy! These make the perfect Chrístmas cookíe, tís the season for cookíes am í ríght? ín our house these are Santa’s favoríte cookíe =)
í love when í go to a resturant and they leave you and Andes, way better then just a basíc mínt. Eatíng one of these Mínt Chocolate Andes Cookíes ís basíc the same thíng ríght? Whích means í’ll be havíng one after each dínner.

- 1 1/2 cups Sugar
- 1 cup Butter softened
- 2 Eggs
- 2 teaspoons Vanílla extract
- 2 cups Flour
- 2/3 cup Cocoa powder
- 1/4 teaspoon Salt
- 3/4 teaspoon Bakíng soda
- 10 oz Andes mínt bakíng chíps
- Preheat oven to 350 degress F.
- Add sugar, butter, eggs, and vanílla to a stand míxer (or ín a large bowl wíth a hand míxer) and beat untíl fluffy.
- ín a seperate bowl whísk together flour, cocoa, salt, and bakíng soda. Combíne thís wíth your butter míx. Fold ín andes mín píeces.
- Add a ball of dough onto a prepares bakíng sheet and bake for 8-10 mínutes. Allow to cool on pan for 5 mínutes.