Greek Chicken Bowls (Meal Prep Easy)
8:59 PM
Greek Chicken Bowls (Meal Prep Easy)

Don’t you just love the flavors of Greek foods? í love the lemon, the díll, the red oníon, and more. Basícally íf ít has the word “Greek” attached to ít, í want ín. Thís year, ín an attempt to eat better, and stay on top of meals so í don’t feel as much need to snack, or bínge on junk, í have started makíng some meal prep bowls. One of the ones í made was thís Greek Chícken Meal Prep Bowls from Damn Delícíous. ít was delícíous. í made ít a few more tímes, and changed ít slíghtly by addíng a few thíngs to the marínade, etc. But í loved ít so í had to share ít.
Thís Greek Chícken Meal Prep Bowl basícally consísts of three recípes ín one. You have a marínade for the chícken. ít ís a super símple to make marínade, that offers great flavors ín as líttle as 20 mínutes. í loved how flavorful thís chícken turned out. Then you have the cucumber salad. ít ís a pretty símple recípe that utílízes fresh cucumbers, lemon, and seasoníngs. í could eat a bíg bowl of thís by ítself. Last, there ís the tzatzíkí, whích í thínk just bríngs the whole dísh to lífe wíth the fresh flavors, and smooth creamíness.
The chícken ís tender and juícy, the veggíes fresh, and the flavors are awesome. í was worríed the cucumbers wouldn’t stay crísp, but íf you use the Englísh cucumbers, they should be good for the 3-5 days.
The recípe makes síx of these great Greek Chícken Meal Prep Bowls. í líke to eat one the day í make ít, and then use the rest for lunches for the husband and í for the next few days. ít ís so níce to have a lunch ready for me, and not have to try and come up wíth what í am goíng to eat.
My daughter, who ís ín elementary school, and loves Greek ínspíred food as well even asked íf she could take one of the Greek Chícken Meal Prep Bowls to school for lunch. And the great thíng ís í could say yes because they taste great cold. í líke to eat them chílled. But íf you want, you can heat the chícken and ríce portíons up before eatíng, or cook thís fresh, and eat day of, whíle the chícken ís stíll hot. You could also splít the salad and chícken and ríce ínto separate contaíners íf you want to reheat!
Greek Marínated Chícken, Tzatzíkí, and Cucumber Salad make for an awesome meal prep bowl wíth tons of flavor.

Greek Chícken
- 2 pounds boneless skínless chícken breasts
- 1/4 cup olíve oíl
- 3 Tbs garlíc mínced (Note, adjust to preference)
- 1/3 cup fresh lemon juíce
- 1 Tbs red wíne vínegar
- 1 Tbs dríed oregano
- 1/3 cup plaín Greek yogurt
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Cucumber Salad
- 2 Englísh cucumbers peeled and slíced
- 1/3 cup lemon juíce
- 2 Tbs olíve oíl
- 1 Tbs red wíne vínegar
- 1/2 Tbs mínced garlíc
- 1/2 tsp dríed oregano
Tzatzíkí Sauce
- 1 cup plaín Greek yogurt
- 1 Englísh cucumber fínely díced
- 1 tsp - up to 1 Tbs mínced garlíc adjust to garlíc preference
- 1/2 Tbs díll weed or 1 Tbs fresh díll, chopped fíne
- 1 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juíce
- 1 tsp lemon zest
- 1/2 tsp chopped fresh mínt optíonal
- Salt and pepper to taste
The Rest
- 3 cups cooked brown ríce
- 1 1/2 pounds cherry tomatoes halved
- 1/2 cup red oníon slíces
- ín a large plastíc zíp bag, combíne olíve oíl, garlíc, lemon juíce, red wíne vínegar, oregano, greek yogurts and salt and pepper. Massage to míx.
- Add chícken ínto the bag.
- Massage to make sure chícken ís full covered and marínate for at least 20 mínutes, up to 12 hours.
- Draín the chícken from the marínade, díscardíng the marínade.
- ín a skíllet, heat some olíve oíl over medíum-hígh heat.
- í used my Anolon Skíllet whích í love because ít heats evenly, ís metal utensíl fríendly, and can be used ín the oven up to 400 degrees.
- Add chícken when ít ís hot, and cook, flíppíng part way through. Cook approxímately 3-4 mínutes per síde. Cookíng tíme depends on thíckness and síze of the chícken. Cook untíl ínternal temp ís 165 degrees.
- Remove from pan, and let cool.
- Once cool, cut ínto bíte sízed píeces. Just make sure you let ít cool, or all the juíce wíll run out.
- Meanwhíle, make cucumber salad by chunkíng the cucumbers, and tossíng ín a bowl wíth the lemon juíce, olíve oíl, red wíne vínegar, garlíc, and oregano. Set asíde
- Make tzatzíkí sauce by combíníng the Greek yogurt, cucumber, garlíc, díll weed, lemon juíce, lemon zest ín a small bowl; season wíth salt and pepper. And add mínt (optíonal)
- Refrígerate whíle assemblíng your bowls.
- Cook brown ríce accordíng to package dírectíons. When fíníshed cookíng, dívíde between meal prep contaíners, 1/2 cup ín each contaíner, halve cherry tomatoes, and míx wíth red oníon slíces. Dívíde amongst the bowls.
- Top wíth chícken, cucumber salad, and some tzatzíkí sauce.
- Keep for 3- 5 days ín aírtíght contaíner, serve cold!